Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies
A new generation of students have entered our classrooms!
Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies
Workshop Duration: 2 - 4 hours
If educators do not have some knowledge of their students' lives outside of paper-and-pencil work, and even outside of their classrooms, then they cannot accurately know their students' strengths and weaknesses (Delpit, 1995). This hands-on PL is not about examining various cultures, but it is about self-assessment, reflection, and increasing awareness and competencies. This PL supports teachers' professional learning goals as well as contribute to a positive school culture. “We must teach the way students learn, rather than expecting them to learn the way we teach.”- Pedro Noguera
Learning Target: To become aware of our own assumptions about cultural groups and how our assumptions can facilitate or block a student’s access to education
Get strategic.
The participant will:
examine important ways in which to reach and teach diverse learners
consider what culturally responsive teaching looks like in the classroom, and how teachers can learn more about their students and where their students are “coming from.”
Leave with next day strategies and resources to implement in the school setting that will positively impact the school climate and encourage student achievement.
Practice culturally responsive classroom strategies and reflect on their own responses to diversity.
Suggest implications of culturally responsive teaching for their own practice.
This interactive workshop is designed to help teachers develop, organize and consistently manage the learning environment. Strategies can be integrated into any grade level or content area. The course will provide ready to use ideas and strategies that can be integrated into any classroom setting and will impact student achievement.